Aims & Scope

BHJ is a peer reviewed quarterly published Print and Online journal. It is an official Journal of Bombay Hospital institute of medical sciences. The aim of BHJ is improving medical care by publishing sound scientific articles (both research and practice papers) and focus on topics that are of great importance to its readership. It also aims to improve its impact on its readers and be the pioneers to break hot medical news. BHJ has a team of dedicated and highly qualified editors who provide valuable guidance on the journal contents. It also considers authors as equal part as they are the ones conducting research, writing and rewriting drafts, and submitting the manuscript for publication alongside the reviewers who advise the editors on the importance and novelty of the findings and the soundness of the research methodology. BHJ also thanks its readers, who look to the journal for accurate and up-to-date scientific and clinical information.

BHJ offers a strong platform for scientists, researches, students, to make their valuable contributions towards the journal. It welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. It publishes original articles, reviews or case reports, Disease patterns, Cost effectiveness/Yields/Medical economics. It has a General Practitioners’ section, Symptoms and signs/obsolete, evergreen and new etc. and other informative material of interest and usefulness to medical and dental fraternity.

Manuscripts Submitted
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Current Issue (Vol 66, No. 2, April-June 2024 Issue