Editorial l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.72 l How to cite this article: Bharucha N, Khadilkar S. The Making of a Neurologist. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):141-142.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.73 l How to cite this article: Koul A, Chowdhury D. Advances in Migraine. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):143-152.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.74 l How to cite this article: Shah SH. Nodopathies: A Distinct Pathophysiological and Clinical Entity. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):153-158.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.75 l How to cite this article: Pujari SS, Nair SS. Update on multiple sclerosis mimics. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):159-170.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.76 l How to cite this article: RK Singh, Aglave V. Update on myasthenia gravis. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):171-180.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.77 l How to cite this article: Mani J. Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus : Challenges & Conundrums. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):181-192.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.78 l How to cite this article: Benny R, Shetty KV. Strokes in coronavirus disease – 19. Bombay Hosp J 2021;63(4):193-198.
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.79 l How to cite this article: Jain RS, Jitesh A. Autoimmune Encephalitis – Recent Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management. Bombay
Review Article l DOI: 10.15713/ins.bhj.80 l How to cite this article: Dastur RS, Zakaria AFH, Khadilkar SV, Hegde MR, Gaitonde PS. Impact of Evolution of